TRAYECTORIA ACADÉMICADoctorado en Ciencias (Ingeniería Biomédica), Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, CDMX. Maestría en Ciencias (Ingeniería Biomédica), Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, CDMX. Licenciatura en Ingeniería Biomédica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, CDMX. ÁREAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN
- Jiménez-Mijangos, L.P., Rodríguez-Arce, J., Martínez-Méndez, R. & Reyes-Lagos J.J. (2022). Advances and challenges in the detection of academic stress and anxiety in the classroom: A literature review and recommendations. Educ Inf Technol 4.1.2.
- Ceballos-Juárez, R. G., Pichardo-Carmona, E. Y., Mendieta-Zerón, H., Echeverría, J. C., & Reyes-Lagos, J. J.*(2022). Multiscale asymmetry reveals changes in the maternal short-term heart rate dynamics of preeclamptic women during labor. Technology and Health Care, (Preprint), 1-8. 4.1.3.
- González-Sánchez, A., Reyes-Lagos, J. J., Peña-Castillo, M. A., Nirmalkar, K., García-Mena, J., & Pacheco-López, G. (2022). Vaginal Microbiota Is Stable and Mainly Dominated by Lactobacillus at Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Active Childbirth: A Longitudinal Study of Ten Mexican Women. Current Microbiology, 79(8), 1-8. 4.1.4.
- Mina-Paz, Y., Santana-García, V. N., Tafur-Tascon, L. J., Cabrera-Hernández, M. A., Pliego-Carrillo, A. C., & Reyes-Lagos, J. J.* (2022). Analysis of Short-Term Heart Rate Asymmetry in High-Performance Athletes and Non-Athletes. Symmetry, 14(6), 1229. 4.1.5.
- Morales-Fajardo, H. M., Rodríguez-Arce, J., Gutiérrez-Cedeño, A., Viñas, J. C., Reyes-Lagos, J. J., Abarca-Castro, E. A., … & Vilchis-González, A. H. (2022). Towards a Non-Contact Method for Identifying Stress Using Remote Photoplethysmography in Academic Environments. Sensors, 22(10), 3780.
- Reyes-Lagos, J. J.*, & Abarca-Castro, E. A. (2021). Nonlinear analysis of heart rhythm in preeclampsia: a route for translational clinical applications in neuroinflammation. Clinical Hypertension, 27(1), 1-8.
- López-Justo, C., Pliego-Carrillo, A. C., Ledesma-Ramírez, C. I., Mendieta-Zerón, H., Peña-Castillo, M. Á., Echeverría, J. C.& Reyes-Lagos, J. J. *(2021). Differences in the Asymmetry of Beat-to-Beat Fetal Heart Rate Accelerations and Decelerations at Preterm and Term Active Labor. Sensors, 21(24), 8249.
- Escutia-Reyes, D., de Jesús Garduño-García, J., Emilio-López-Chávez, G. Reyes-Lagos, J. J.* (2021). Differences in heart rate variability and body composition in breast cancer survivors and women without cancer. Sci Rep 11, 14460.
- Pliego, A., Vega, R., Gómez, R., Reyes‐Lagos, J. J., & Soto, E.* (2021). A transient decrease in heart rate with unilateral and bilateral galvanic vestibular stimulation in healthy humans. European Journal of Neuroscience.
- Tepichín-Castro, C. A., Ledesma-Ramírez, C. I., Peña-Castillo, M. Á., Pacheco-López, G., Echeverría, J. C., & Reyes-Lagos, J. J.* (2021). Joint symbolic dynamics identifies differences in the maternal-fetal cardiac coupling between nonlaboring and laboring women. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 68, 102769.
- Reyes-Lagos, J. J., Abarca-Castro, E. A., Echeverría, J. C., Mendieta-Zerón, H., Vargas-Caraveo, A., & Pacheco-López, G.* (2021). A translational perspective of Maternal Immune Activation by SARS-CoV-2 on the potential Prenatal Origin of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: the role of the Cholinergic Anti-inflammatory pathway. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 708.
- Reyes-Lagos, J.J.*, Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., García-González, M.T., Pacheco-López, G., Echeverría, J.C.* (2020): Phase entropy analysis of electrohysterographic data at the third trimester of human pregnancy and active parturition. Entropy 22, 798.
- Montero-Nava, J.E., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Echeverría, J.C., Pacheco-López, G., Reyes-Lagos, J.J.* (2020): Analysis of the fetal cardio-electrohysterographic coupling at the third trimester of gestation in healthy women by Bivariate Phase-Rectified Signal Averaging. PLoS One 15, e0236123.
- Montalvo-Jaramillo, C.I., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Echeverría, J.C., Becerril-Villanueva, E., Pavón, L., Ayala-Yáñez, R., González-Camarena, R., Berg, K., Wessel, N., Pacheco-López, G.*, Reyes-Lagos, J.J. (2020): Comparison of fetal heart rate variability by symbolic dynamics at the third trimester of pregnancy and low-risk parturition. Heliyon 6, e03485.
- Ramírez-Beltrán, V.O., Avilés, L.A.Z.*, Valdovinos-Rosas, R.M., Reyes-Lagos, J.J., Cruz-Martínez, G.M., (2020): Design specifications for an auxiliary incision retractor in dacryocystorhinostomy surgeries. Appl. Sci. 10, 605.
- Flores-Duarte, I.M., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Echeverría-Arjonilla, J.C., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Pacheco-López, G., Reyes-Lagos, J.J.* (2019): Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Algorithms for Detection of Cardiorespiratory Uncoupling in Endotoxemic Rats. Rev. Mex. Ing. Biomédica 40, 1–11.
- Reyes-Lagos, J.J., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Hadamitzky, M., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Echeverría, J.C., Lückemann, L., Schedlowski, M., Berg, K., Wessel, N., Pacheco-López, G.* (2019): Symbolic analysis of heart rate fluctuations identifies cardiac autonomic modifications during LPS-induced endotoxemia. Auton. Neurosci. 221, 102577.
- Escalante-Gaytán, J., Esquivel-Arizmendi, C.G., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., García-González, M.T., Reyes-Lagos, J.J.* (2019): Usefulness of the electrohysterography in the clinical field as a technique for uterine monitoring: A literature review. Ginecol. Obstet. Mex. 87, 46–59.
- Reyes-Lagos, J.J., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Echeverría, J.C., Becerril-Villanueva, E., Pavón, L., Pacheco-López, G.* (2019): Neuroautonomic activity evidences parturition as a complex and integrated neuro–immune–endocrine process. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1437.
- Gutiérrez-Maldonado, E., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Pliego-Carrillo, A.C., Reyes-Lagos, J.J.* (2018): Sign and magnitude scaling properties of heart rate fluctuations following vagus nerve stimulation in a patient with drug-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav. Case Reports 10, 78–81.
- Escalante-Gaytán, J., Reyes-Lagos, J.J., Peña-Castillo, M.Á., Echeverría, J.C., García-González, M.T., Becerril-Villanueva, E., Pavón, L., Ledesma-Ramírez, C.I., Ayala-Yáñez, R., González-Camarena, R., Pacheco-López, G.*, (2018). Associations of Immunological Markers and Anthropometric Measures with Linear and Nonlinear Electrohysterographic Parameters at Term Active Labor. Adv. Neuroimmune Biol. 7, 17–26.
- MX/f/2019/003098, Solicitud 5 Noviembre 2019. Modelo industrial de dispositivo para calibración de retractor para cirugía ocular. Patente de diseño industrial. Victor Olenin Ramírez Beltrán; Luis Adrián Zúñiga Avilés; Rosa María Valdovinos Rosas; José Javier Reyes Lagos; Giorgio Mackenzie Cruz Martínez.
- 2022. Relación entre la intensidad de corriente de la estimulación galvánica vestibular y la respuesta autonómica cardiovascular en sujetos sanos.
- 2021. Análisis dinámico de la actividad electrofisiológica materno-fetal durante el trabajo de parto a término y pretérmino.
- 2021 Análisis del acoplamiento cardioelectrohisterográfico fetal durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo y el trabajo de parto.
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